Home / 2016 (Page 8)

  • Land Rover Discovery Spor

    5 Reasons Why You Should Consider An SUV

    For the past few years, the sport utility vehicles or SUVs have been at the receiving end of negative feedback and reviews from certain quarters and stakeholders in the industry. These vehicles are known to […]

  • 10 Best Family Friendly Cars

    The sun’s up, school requirements are completed and it’s time to hit the great outdoors for cookouts, outdoor events and road trips. Summer months, or the months from June to August, are considered by many […]

  • The 10 Most Stolen Cars

    Although it’s expected that owners and drivers of flashy and ultra-luxurious cars will protect and vigilantly guard their vehicles after parking, it is actually the ‘more common’ makes and models that attracts attention of car […]

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